How safe is a winery? Depends who you ask really. Wine and weekends. It’s the perfect combination. But the best wineries in Australia will tell you, this combination is even better on location. Ambiance always makes it more relaxing. Chilling in the cool breeze, a wine glass in hand, the setting sun. What could be more perfect? Safety in a winery, for one.
Of course, the wine is what sets the mood. And to make good wine, the conditions must be very desirable. From the grapes, the accompanying ingredients, the oak barrel even the lighting. Because wine contains alcohol and is flammable, care is given that electricians maintain the upkeep of these wineries. From the lighting, the wine-making equipment, wine tanks, wine presses, the front office, the cellar, everything has to be checked and rechecked to make sure it runs smoothly. Safety is paramount.
Winery Safety
Although poetic and picturesque, vineyards and wineries come with a very high fire risk. Not just because wine in the winery is combustible but also the amount of fertilizer the vineyards have been subjected to. This is one of the many reasons why wineries and vineyards should always have safety checks in place. How safe is a winery? If doing what they should have, it should be very safe.
People visiting wineries, not just the regular wine tours, should be careful not to smoke on just about anywhere. Some vineyards are really dry and the whole lot is carefully maintained. There is a governing body that does their spot checking for health and safety. Safety checks should always be made. There is a chance of gases accumulating on parts of their confined spaces where wine is being made or kept.
Most wine making workers are trained and kept abreast of the developments and new safety protocols in making and selling wine. This will benefit not only the wine maker but wine lovers everywhere.
Wine Tour Safety
Be sure to have a designated driver if going on a wine tour. The fresh air and the company would often be a welcome distraction and may cause one glass too many. Set a limit. Even with a designated driver, it still makes sense to set a limit of just how much is too much. You would like to taste and actually enjoy the wine and the experience and not just get drunk.